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Writer: Ricky ZabilskiRicky Zabilski

There has never been a lower barrier for entry into photography than today.

With mobile phone cameras offering better image quality than some point-and-shoot cameras from less than five years ago, every photo you take is an opportunity to learn something new - with feedback being so instantaneous, that it happens before you've pressed the shutter.

So with that, here is a list of 5 things that I really wish I knew (or at least took more seriously) before I made the leap into the world of professional photography.

1 - Photography is EXPENSIVE

Canon Mirrorless camera with RF 50mm f/1.2 attached
The Holy Grail lens

You probably already know this, but it never really hits you until you stop and look back at how much money you've actually spent on gear and miscellaneous adventures over the past couple of years.

Yes, photography is - by all intents and purposes - free. In the same way that buying your first car can be 'free' if you find a great bargain - until you factor in all of the other running costs that slap you like a wet fish to the face.

If you are more than happy to shoot with you iPhone until the end of days, then my hat goes off to you.

But if you want to find out what the entire world of photography has to offer, and can't wait to experiment with more than what your contact lens-sized phone camera can do, then get ready to re-mortgage your house, because you're about to go on a wild and expensive ride.

If you happen to get bitten by the Gear Acquisition Syndrome (G.A.S.) bug, and want to see what a crop sensor, or even a full sensor camera is all about, then trust me when I say that you will eventually find a way to convince yourself that the $4k, f/1.2 lens is worth it, because you can't put a price on education - or something to that extent.

So if you think that you will eventually go down the 'upgrade' path, let me save you a bit of time and money, and tell you that you should try to spend your money on good lenses, instead of good camera bodies. Cameras will always get better, and will depreciate much faster than a high quality lens will. Also, if you look after it, a great lens will last you through decades of camera bodies, and its output will only get better with time.

2 - The online world of photography is TOXIC

Yellow Toxic warning sign
Every online forum should come with this warning

So this is a very controversial topic, which in and of itself confirms the above heading, but with over three decades of experience in the field, I can tell you that it's very easy to trigger a neanderthal, and fall down the rabbit hole of arguing online, over which camera or manufacturer is better.

It is the 'insecure adult' version of 'My dad can beat up your dad', except it's against grown people who should know better.

I have personally only met a couple of toxic photographers in real life, and believe me, they were not the kinds of people you would want to have as friends. The rest of the photographic community with whom I've worked and shot regularly, are all lovely and friendly people, eager to learn as well as teach at the drop of a hat.

However, it's in the online world where the narcissists like to rear their insecure little heads.

If you're a beginner who is only starting out, spending any amount of time in the comments section of some of the more popular photography websites can be enough to put you off the craft forever. The amount of vitriol and ego that is slathered on those forum walls makes me wonder whether the site moderators ever need to seek counselling after having to put up with all that garbage.

Photography, it seems, falls into two camps. The first is of the actual photographer who really wants to learn everything they can about the craft, and is happy to read articles about the latest tips and tricks, and actually go out and practice what they've just learned.

The second camp seems to encompass those 'photographers' who can't actually shoot anything interesting, but they have deep pockets, and loud mouths with which they constantly justify their existence in the world of photography.

They are frequently buying the latest gear, but they can never actually enjoy any of their purchases, because almost everyone with far inferior gear is able to take better photos than they can. So instead of blaming their own inadequacies and learning how to improve, they like to turn on others in order to try and maintain whatever false sense of credibility they have about themselves.

Being online means that they can be as anonymous as they want to. Unfortunately their language often paints a very clear picture of the mouldy basements in which they dwell.

So if you are just starting out in the world of photography, do yourself a favour and please avoid any comments sections, where it's inevitable that a brand war is likely to start at any time. You will be a lot smarter for it and you will enjoy your photography a lot more.

3 - Invest in You Own Education, Not In Gear

I touched upon this area at the end of the first point on this list, but I would like to expand on it further.

Happiness and contentment only come from within. You cannot find external solutions to internal problems.

This means that no matter how much you think you may need that new camera or lens, try to ask yourself whether that need comes from your current equipment being genuinely unfit for purpose; or if it's simply because you haven't yet truly mastered how to use what you already own, and are simply impatient to buy something new because it feels good in the short term.

We live in an incredibly wasteful world, where the entire global economy only functions if its citizenry is constantly upgrading things on a regular basis.

It has become so disgusting, that companies are more than happy to justify the reason for your next upgrade, by using emotional tactics such as creating a 'fear of missing out' if you happen to sport a model that is no longer on the showroom floor - even though only yesterday it was the company's flagship object of status and desire.

Instead of wasting money on the latest and greatest, use that money to invest in yourself. Take a course and learn something new; go on a holiday which will teach you new experiences; learn how to make the most of what you already own.

It is said that true happiness comes from wanting what you already possess. Find ways of getting that feeling back, instead of lining the pockets of those who are more than happy to sell you false promises and broken dreams.

4 - Find Your Niche, But Don't Pigeonhole Yourself

I'm sure that there is some area of photography that you prefer over every other. You may be drawn to the world of portrait photography for example, but have zero interest in shooting landscapes.

This is great, as it allows you to grow your strengths, and potentially become world-class in that area.

However, don't only focus your time and attention on your area of strength, because by doing so, you are severely limiting your potential.

A professional musician knows that it's fun to practice the notes and chords which they can already play very well. However, this does not allow you to grow.

Instead, a true pro will spend the majority of their time practicing those notes which are giving them the most trouble, because being an expert means that you are not afraid to face your weaknesses.

So if you truly love portrait photography, then by all means, go out and learn all there is to know about posing, lighting, and talking to models.

However, know that your world will be far more exciting if you learn skills outside of your comfort zone, and find new and exciting ways of bringing them into your circle of strength.

5 - There Will Always Be Someone Who Is Better Than You, But It Only Matters That You Are Better Today Than You Were Yesterday.

That's a bit of a mouthful, but what I'm trying to tell you is that it doesn't matter how good someone else happens to be. They are on a completely different journey to yours. There are many difficulty levels in any field, and photography is no exception.

What truly matters, and what is the only real measure of excellence, is how far you have come, compared to what you were able to do yesterday, last week, last month, or last year.

Photography is a creative endeavour, in which there are no 'ultimate' experts. There is no endgame. The only game is the one you play against yourself, and not against anyone else. Unlike tennis or football, where you're constantly pitting your skills against your opponent or an opposing team, in photography the only opponent is you, and your ego.

Every match you play is against your older self, and the only way you 'win' is if your current self is better and more skilled than whomever you were the last time you faced off against yourself.

So stop obsessing over the latest gear, or however many followers your favourite creator or photographer happens to have. Their journey is different.

You will never be 'them'. You can only become the best version of yourself that you could ever be; and one day, that version will also be idolised by others, the same way that you are idolising your heroes today.

If you enjoyed this blog and feel that you got something out of it, please feel free to follow me on Twitter or Instagram; and also subscribe to my newsletter for more in-depth photography tips and tricks.

Happy shooting!



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